Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog. We are going to look at the most common grammatical mistakes usually makes by natives and non-natives.

The first most common grammatical mistake is a run-on comma splice.

A run-on comma splice is placing the comma in an inappropriate words ending.Β 

In this sentence: β€œRachel is very smart, she began reading when she was three years old.”

When we listen to this sentence without seeing it, this sentence feels good, but look at the sentence,

Rachel is a very smart , instead of putting a comma there you can replace it with a full stop.
or you can add conjunction because that’s the most appropriate one here.

Most people have placing punctuations problem. Even I sometimes get confused about whether to put a comma, semi-colon, or a full stop in that specific edge of a sentence.


The next mistake is pronoun disagreement.

Some of the mistakes are pronouns errors. Well, this is very common. People use “I” instead of “me”. They call “It to go to the shopping mall.”

For example:Β  Every girl must bring their own lunch.

This sentence looks grammatically correct. Try finding out what’s the mistake here.

It’s the word ‘their’. you said every girl, in one of my blog, “each and every’ I talked about this deeper. If you want to know how to differentiate the word between “each” and “every” click the link here: https://www.buildenglishimmunitywithtitisha.com/how-to-differentiate-each-every/Β 

Coming back,Β  when you mention “Every girl”, which is individually everyone, so you should use her, not their.

Tips to avoid these mistakes: write at least 1 essay per day and have your essay checked:)

Next, is also another popular mistake.

Is there any differences between the word aunt’s, aunts .

Aunt’s is when something belongs to your aunt.

For example: this bracelet is my aunt’s.

Aunts is you have many aunts and you’re referring them. We call this as a possesive pronoun.

In this sentence: My mothers cabin is next to his’ cabin.” IS WRONG and should replace to My mother’s cabin is next to his cabin.”

Next is the sentence fragment: the basic rule of a sentence is to have a subject and a verb.

Look at this sentence: β€œSharon stayed home from school the other day. Because she was sick.”

The mistake is obvious. Rather than starting a new sentence, we can combine the word “because”. We know conjunction is to combine two or three sentences and not to separate them. So it should be Sharon stayed home from school the other day because she was sick.”

It’s easy to understand, isn’t it?

Going to the next one, mixing up the spellings. there vs their, whether vs weather. Don’t forget that even though they sound similar, they are still two different definitions.

In this sentence: β€œThere father went to school there.” it’s too obvious “the word” there should be their.

Β Mixing up with the similar word.Β  “affect” and “effect”
“further” and “farther”.

In this sentence: The rain had a good affect on the farmer’s field.”

the word “affect” is wrong here, and should be an effect.

Quick notes: affect is a verb and effect is the noun.Β 

the correct one: The rain had a good effect on the farmer’s field.”

Β Title capitalization is another problem. In general, you should capitalize the first. All proper nouns and respective words. However, there are specific title capitalization rules depending on the style you are using.

Example: St. Josept school (proper noun)

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  The book ( sentence starting)

Well, that’s it. Do check out my video for this topic in a watching mode.

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