10 Essential Law Vocabularies

Home Service About us Click here If you wanted to improve your vocabulary, it’s essential to know law vocabulary, as you can see all these words when you listen to the news, or when you read the news. It’s also […]

10 Informal 2021 New Words

Home Service About us Click here .Though 2021 has ended, still there’re words that we have to know and have to be able to identify when people talk or even when you read/find it in a book. Right before that, […]

15 important Covid-19 phrases.

Home Service About us Click here Hey everyone, in this Covid era, it’s essential to know some of these Covid-19 phrases. I’ve selected some of the most used and known phrases. Before getting started, feel free to check out my […]

3 Steps Essay Introduction (3 key points)

Home Service About us Click here How many of you guys are good at writing the paragraphs after the introduction but always stuck at the introduction? I was too struggling before I found/created this easiest method to make my introduction […]

Top 10 Brand Names You Mispronounced It

Brand Names You Are Mispronouncing Chevrolet wrong pronounciation : Shev-ro-letright pronounciation: Shev-ro-ley Gucci wrong pronunciation: Gu-ki Right Pronounciation: Gu-chi Nutella wrong pronounciation: nuh-te-lla right pronunciation: new-te–lla Huawei wrong pronounciation: hua-ah-wei right pronounciation: wah-way Ikea wrong pronounciation: eye-key-ah right pronounciation: ee-kay-uh […]